Saturday, December 22, 2012


After a GREAT VICTORY the team was invited to our house for a team party!  First order of business was feeding the hungry group!

Eating Food consumed:  fifteen pounds of hamburger made into sloppy joes, a gallon of potato salad, 4 big bags of potato chips, apples & oranges, sixty gatorades, and a sheet cake. (Note to self for next time - 10 packages of buns - 9 was hardly enough!)

And!  Prizes were on the line.  When Coach Showalter showed the prizes they were competitively engaged - USA gear (shorts, shirts, sweatpants), City High shirts, and Nike socks.  Game points were kept through out the evening and the higher the score the earlier the chance to get the best stuff.

1)  "Minute it to Win it" Games
First on the docket was a version of "minute it to win it".  3 teams of 6 competed in six different activities.  Each player had to do one activity.  They were such good sports!

Attentively listening to the rules of the game.
I'm instructing them about how the games will be scored.

Score cards for these games.

Cup Stacking  Using one hand stack and unstack the cups in one minute.

Nose Dive Using only your nose (with vaseline) transfer 5 cotton balls from one bowl to the other.

Nutcracker Using a candy cane stack 6 nuts on top of each other.

Face the (Gingerbread) Cookie Using face muscles only (no hands) move the cookie from your forehead to your mouth.

Stack the Dice With one hand stack 6 dice on the popsicle stick in your mouth.

Snowball Toss Using one hand (and one at a time) toss the mini marshmallows through the wreath into the bucket.  Most in the bucket wins.

2) Card/Dice Games  Now each player will be on his own to gain points.  Each group rotated through three games and scores were tallied.


Dutch Blitz

Candy Cane Grab

Coaches Relaxing and officiating the games

Prizes!! The highest scores got to choose first and down the line until everyone got a prize.

Scores are tallied!  Gathering around the tree for prizes.

The highest scores by Luke, Hugh, and Conner

Next up was Ryan

And then Tony and JaMarty

And Malin


Mozo, Lonnie and Andy

Cameron and Gionni

J J and Jeff

Issac, Jordan, Nick and L T

JaMarty modeling his prize - USA sweatshirt

The group modeling their USA shorts!
What a great evening!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Channel 9 Sports Interviews Coach Showalter

IOWA CITY, Iowa - Current City High head coach Don Showalter has basketball in his blood.

KCRG-TV9's Scott Saville profiles the former Mid-Prairie coach, who is trying to turn around the Little Hawks' program now.
click here for the interview:

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Community Service Project

I'm so proud of the City High boys and girls basketball teams!  They gave a Saturday afternoon to be involved in a community service project.  Food/grocery items were collected for the Crisis Center of Iowa City.  A bit of competition was added to the project (boys vs girls teams collecting the most) and the result was fabulous - over 1000 pounds of items were delivered to the Crisis Center

Pizza time first!
The team members set up this community service project at the Hy-Vee on 1st Avenue.  As shoppers entered the store they were given a card asking for items to donate toward this project.  The boys' team also had money to buy specific requested items for the crisis center so down the aisles they went shopping, shopping!

Luke and LT shopping

Cameron, Hugh and Ryan
Lonnie, Jordan, Malin, and Gionni

Tony, Ryan, and Nick
Both teams collected items

The boys' team WON!

Over 1000 pounds of items were delivered to the Crisis Center!
Way to go City High Basketball Teams!