Sunday, November 18, 2012

Practice, Pizza and Iowa Basketball

It was a BUSY first week of practice!  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the players reported for two-a-days starting with a 6:45 am practice and then a late afternoon/evening practice.  Thursday they had one practice at 2:30 and Friday one practice at 5:15 am!!  A catered breakfast on Friday helped get their school day started.  

Saturday the players reported for practice at 3:00.  After a hard practice and lifting they were ready for some team fun.  Off to Godfather's for pizza and then to Carver Arena to watch the Iowa basketball game.

Coach Showalter instructing the players.

Working on defense.

Writing in their notebooks.
"Successful people make a habit of doing things
 unsuccessful people don't like to do."  

Time for pizza!

At the Iowa basketball game:  Iowa vs Gardner-Webb.
Down by 20 at half-time, Hawkeyes roared back to win.

Photo op with the Iowa dancers
Connor's sister is one of the dancers.  

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